PDP Packet Data Protocol. A PDP offsers a pack data connection over
which the UE and network can exchange IP packets.
PIN Personal Identification Number. The SIM card identification num-
ping Confirms if computers and networks are connected.
PPPoE Point-to-Point protocol over Ethernet. A protocol for using the PPP
function via Ethernet.
PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol. A method for implementing vir-
tual private networks. PPTP does not provide confidentiality or en-
cryption; It relies on the protocol being tunneled to provide privacy.
Proxy server A server that acts as a go-between for requests from clients seek-
ing resources from other servers.
PS Packet Switching. A method of communication that separates data
into small units (packets) and sends them individually.
PUK PIN Unblocked Key. If the PIN is entered incorrectly 3 times the
SIM card is blocked. Use the PUK code to unblock the SIM.
RDI Restricted Digital Information. ISDN terminology for information or
data that is restricted.
RIP Routing Protocol Information. A routing protocol for UDP/IP. Deter-
mines the shortest route to reach the network by calculating the
path to the dynamic host based on the number of hops through
RTP Real-time Transport Protocol. A standardized packet format for de-
livering audio and video over the Internet.
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator. Measures the strength of the
wireless communication device.
SIM Subscriber Identity Module. An IC card that stores the registered
users subscriber number, phone number and information. When in-
serted into a terminal, the terminal operates on this information.
SIP Session Initiation Protocol. A protocol for converting multimedia
data into packets over an IP network. A standardized method of au-
dio and video coding.
SIP server DNS server that acts as a proxy for each domain name based on
location of each domain.
SMS Short Message Service. A method of sending short messages over
mobile devices.
Streaming A method transmitting audio, visual and multimedia where the data
is transmitted and played back simultaneously.
UDI Unrestricted Digital Information. ISDN terminology for the transmis-
sion capacity of data, video conferences, and G4 fax machines.
UPnP Universal Plug and Play. Network equipment, software and hard-
ware that provides compatibility between peripherals and network