CONNECT2AIRâ„¢ WLAN AP-600RP-USB Page 42 / 62
User-specific access list:
Rights (always allow access / deny access) are assigned to the clients in the table inde-
pendently of the general access mode.
If a client is always to have access to the whole network (e.g., an administrator), his or her
MAC address is added with the property Accept access policy.
In contrast, any user that is known to access the WLAN without authorization can be ex-
cluded from the network by means of Reject access.
L Never reject a MAC address in the general Reject access mode if it communicates
with the only device listed (e.g., the PC that configures the AccessPoint). Doing so
would exclude the device as no connection would be allowed to the AP.
8.4.15 DDNS (Dynamic DNS)
The DDNS service enables you to access a local server in the LAN/WLAN from the Inter-
net. The service connects a static host name (e.g., with the dy-
namic IP address of the device to be addressed (e.g., a web camera or a web server). The
service is useful if you are connected, for example, by a DSL or cable modem to your pro-
vider. It changes at will the IP address assigned to the router. Consequently, the web
camera, for example, is only available via the Internet through the public IP address as
long as the IP address is not changed. DDNS combines the advantage of easier access to
local network resources via a web address with the automatic update of the IP address.
Example configuration of a publicly accessible WEBcam:
This configuration covers three areas in the AccessPoint:
1: Registration of a host name under, for example
2: Parametrization of the DDNS client in the AccessPoint