
8.3.2 Wireless Settings
Country / Region:
Select the country in which the AccessPoint is to be used. The selection determines
which radio channels can be used to transmit and receive signals as regulated by the
corresponding authorities.
Wireless network ID (SSID):
Network ID is used for identifying the wireless LAN (WLAN). Client stations can roam
freely between different AccessPoints that have the same network ID. The factory set-
ting is “CONNECT2AIR”.
Band (modulation type):
The AP can be operated in either of two different modulation types or a compatibility
mode: high rate – 54 Mbps, low rate – 11 Mbps, or a mix of both in the 2.4-GHz ISM
band. The latter is a mixed network in which high rate and low rate devices can share
the same wireless frequency band for mutual communication. This mode offers the ad-
vantage of full backward compatibility with 802.11b devices. 54-Mbps-only cards com-
municate with each other at the high data rate.
Note: Because dramatic reductions in throughput will result from simply attaching
legacy 802.11b clients to the 802.11g network, a new, powerful and flexible technol-
ogy is provided additionally to ensure protection and increased performance. Please
refer to Turbo mode below for details.
Radio Channel:
The radio channel number. The permissible channels range from channel 1 to 13 (de-
fault is 11), depending on the regulatory domain. For restrictions, please refer to the
first page of this manual.
Turbo mode / NitroTM mode:
A technology that delivers throughput enhancement in both mixed and 802.11g-only
networks, while improving stability at the same time. Activation of the turbo mode is
particularly recommended in the case of mixed networks.
Hide SSID:
Suppresses display of the SSID so that only wireless clients that already know the
SSID can use the AccessPoint. Note, however, that this offers only little protection for
your network as software is available on the Internet to detect the information.