L Use „auto-connection“ if you do not have a connection with flatrate (no capacity
download restriction). Please check thoroughly if your AP is disconnecting. This
can be done via the status page or check your ISPs accounting information. Se-
lecting “Dial-up on demand” and starting the connection will not be terminated
upon the user's request.
Disconnect PPPOE Session: If selected, the connection is automatically set up and
disconnected after the specified connection time has elapsed. If the option is disabled,
even though the connection is established automatically, it will not be disconnected –
i.e., the connection is permanent.
PPPoE Timeout: The time of inactivity before disconnecting your PPPoE session.
Minimum value is 60 seconds. No input is possible if "Disconnect PPPOE Session" is
PPPoE Status: Indicates the status of the DSL connection – for example, "Initializing"
(of the connection) or "Connected" once a connection with the Internet has been set
PPTP Username and Password: The account and password that your ISP assigned
to you. This field is displayed empty for security reasons. If you don't want to change
the password, leave the field empty.
IP Address and Subnet Mask: The private IP address and subnet mask that your ISP
assigned to you.
PPTP Server: The IP address of the PPTP server.
Phone number (optional): Enter the telephone number here if the provider specifies