
and Control
This section
contains a
summary of the
PrimeraPro Color
commands and
control codes.
These commands
are used mainly
by those who
wish to drive the
printer from
applications and
from operating
systems other
than Windows.
For more
information on
commands and
control codes,
contact FARGOÕs
Technical Support
Group at (612)
Whenever standard ASCII (ASCII 32-127) data is
sent to the printer and SW2 is ON, PrimeraPro will
print out all such data as text. Therefore, SW2 must
be ON in order to print from the DOS prompt. The
resident bit-mapped font is Letter Gothic 12 cpi. A
complete list of the standard characters contained
in this resident font is on the self-test printout.
Alternate country characters are enabled by
selecting the proper DIP switches as listed in
Appendix A, Table A-2. A complete listing of the
characters available along with country selections
are listed in Appendix A, Table A-3. This mode is
enabled only with Switch #2 ON.
The following is a summary of printer commands
for color output:
1. Start of Graphics: $1B $00 $FF R H
R is a hexadecimal number designating a
ribbon type.
$31 = 3-color
$32 = monochrome
$33 = 4-color
H is a hexadecimal number designating a
printer heat setting. Range is 1 to 96; $50 is
nominal. Use less than $50 for lighter print,
higher than $50 for darker print.
$20 = 1
$21 = 2
$7E = 95
$7F = 96
2. Start of Panel: $86 C
C is a hexadecimal number designating a
color panel.
$30 = yellow
$31 = magenta
$32 = cyan
$33 = black
3. Raster Graphics Line: $85 R bb..b 00
R is a hexadecimal number from $00 to $FF
designating the number of times, 1 to 256, to
repeat this raster line.
b is raster graphics bytes
If the first byte is less than $80 it represents
a count of repeated bytes, i.e. $41 $42
denotes a $42 repeated 65 times.
If the first byte is greater than $80 it
represents a count of unrepeated bytes, i.e.
$83 $41 $42 $43 denotes the three
hexadecimal values $41 $42 $43.
A. Standard Text
B. Wax Thermal
Color Output