
Tool Types: (Continued)
Disk Buf=OFF Force disk buffering.
ToFile=No Print to Printer (default)
or to file.
High DPI=OFF Selects 600x300 DPI.
Once the changes have been made, quit the PPCI
and then reopen it to set the permanent changes.
Basename is the location of the temp file created
during printing. The default is the same directory
as PPCI resides. You may change it to a drive with
more room if desired. Remove the parentheses Ò( )Ó
or this line is ignored. An example is ÒBaseName=
Work:Temp/Ó which creates temp files to the
Work:Temp drawer. If you specify PopUp=No, the
PPCI will remain hidden but active. If you want to
make it terminate, simply double-click on the PPCI
icon again and the window will be forced to pop
up. At that time you may ÒQuitÓ the program thus
removing it from memory.
The PPCI control panel contains the following
Window close button: Program keeps running
but is hidden.
Messages: Shows progress of the
print job.
Base path name: Shows location of temp
Heat Control: Allows adjustment of the
PrimeraProÕs printing
Ribbon Type: Select ribbon
Paper Size: Select paper
XOFFset: Shift to right by x pixels.
YOFFset: Shift down by y pixels.
Copies: Uses the temp files over
again to produce multiple
prints quickly.
File: Prints to specified file if
Force Disk Buffer: Force disk buffing to save
Quit: When idle, terminates
Cancel: When printing, aborts
current print job.
High-DPI: Checked for 600x300 DPI.