
disk window. Then double-click on the READ ME
file to get the latest information about the driver
and the installation process. Carefully read the
document as it will help you get the best results
from your printer. Select Quit from the File menu
when you are done reading.
Now, double-click on the PrimeraPro Installer icon.
When the Installer window appears, select the
options you would like the installer program to
install. In most instances, the default selections will
suffice. For a description of each of these options,
refer to the notes found in the box directly above
these options (use the up and down arrows to scroll
through the notes). Once the desired options are
selected, click on Install. If the driver is on multiple
disks, the installer will prompt you as to when each
disk is to be inserted. The appropriate files will
automatically install onto your computer. An alert
box will then display indicating that installation is
complete. Click on OK to exit the Installer.
NOTE As an added feature, a print utility called the FARGO
Backgrounder is included with your PrimeraPro printer
driver. Although installing this feature is not essential to
the initial operation of the printer, you may wish to
utilize the Backgrounder at a later date. For installation
instructions and for more information on the FARGO
Backgrounder, refer to Section 8 of this manual.
The Chooser
The Chooser is a Desk Accessory in the Apple
menu. Before you can use the PrimeraPro color
printer, you need to select the FARGO printer driver
using the Chooser. This instructs the Macintosh to
send documents to the PrimeraPro, instead of to the
or to the ImageWriter
The Chooser displays an icon for all the printer
drivers in the System Folder (you may need to
scroll through the list to see all of them). You should
see the icon for the FARGO driver that was copied
from the original floppy disk. If you do not see the
driver, go through the above installation procedure
once more making sure that the Install Driver box
is selected before you click on Install.
Click on the icon for the FARGO PrimeraPro and
make AppleTalk active. Select your printer from the
list of FARGO printers on the right side of the
ChooserÕs dialog box. The PrimeraPro uses an
automatic naming convention and does not support
the Apple Namer program. The first printer