Pressure Systems, Inc. 98RK-1 & 9816 User’s Manual©
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Purpose: Change a module’s default operating option settings, or invoke special internal
operations or functions.
“wii[dd[ eeee]]”
‘w’ is the command letter.
‘ii’ is the index field.
‘dd’ is an [optional] hex datum.
‘ eeee’ is an [optional] extra datum
with leading space character.
‘A’ is the acknowledge letter.
Description: The index field (ii) contains two hex digits that identify the specific option to be
set or function to be performed. The datum field (dd), when present, contains 2
hex digits. A few indexes also require an extra datum field (eeee). Valid
options/functions are listed in the table below (-- marks a missing datum field in
its column, and fourth column shows any 'q' command index that reads same
ii dd Description 'q' read
00 -- Execute Internal Self Test.
01 -- Update Internal Thermal Coefficients.
02-06 -- Reserved for factory use
07 -- Store Most Operating Options in nonvolatile flash
memory. See *** Note at end of table.
08 -- Store Current Offset Terms in transducers’ non-volatile
memories. See *** Note at end of table.
09 -- Store Current Gain Terms in transducers’ non-volatile
memories. See *** Note at end of table.
0A 01-10
Set Number of Channels in Module (default =16).
Enable Automatic Shifting of Calibration Valve during
Calculate and Set Offsets ('h') command (default).
Disable Automatic Shifting of Calibration Valve in 'h'.
User will manually control calibration value.