
Pressure Systems, Inc. 98RK-1 & 9816 User’s Manual©
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Chapter 7
Start-up Software
7.1 Introduction
The NetScanner
System Unified Startup Software (NUSS) allows you to operate, from a
-based host PC, a diverse network of pressure or temperature scanner modules
and/or standard/calibrator modules of the NetScanner
System type.
The NetScanner
System, for which NUSS was designed, is a distributed Ethernet network
(using TCP/UDP/IP protocols) that functions as a precision pressure data acquisition system.
NUSS integrates a diverse set of older “startup,” “query,” and “test” programs that were often
very module-specific. NUSS recognizes each Model 9816 module type it finds on the network
and automatically provides that module with its appropriate functionality by dynamically
adjusting the program’s form and menu content. NUSS allows you to operate your Model 9816
modules singly or together in selected groups without having to write any custom software, and
without having to learn low-level commands. The software was designed to permit you to test
almost every possible module function with a simple interactive point-and-click interface.
NUSS is provided to all customers who have purchased a 98RK-1 Scanner Interface Rack
with Model 9816 Intelligent Pressure Scanners installed. The software (NUSS) as well as the
User’s Manual are included on a CD-ROM packed with your shipment. It may also be
downloaded from PSI’s Web site, www.PressureSystem.com.