
Pressure Systems, Inc. 98RK-1 & 9816 User’s Manual©
Page 71 www.PressureSystems.com
Configure stream l to return both status fields, and all Pressure EU data
"c 05 1 0013"
Read response:
If or when stream 1 is subsequently enabled, data groups in that stream with the lowest-
bit-numbers (table positions) selected are delivered first. In this example (bbbb = 0013),
the Valve Position Status datum would be first, DH Temperature Status datum would
be second, and then all the specified Pressure EU data would follow last (highest
specified channel to lowest specified channel). Of course, the standard 5-byte binary
prefix (tssss) that begins all stream packets would precede all these data groups (see
the Autonomous Packet box in Start Stream sub-command (index 01).