This menu is used to copy the fixture type from one location to another. This feature saves time
by letting you copy a fixture choice rather than searching through the list each time you need
to add a fixture. This is also useful when you modify a fixture and need to duplicate it. Use the
+ and - switches or data wheels 1 and 2 to select a fixture number to copy from and to. You
must press “enter” to complete the copy process. If auto patch is enabled you will be given the
warning that some addresses may change. Press “yes” to continue or “no” to exit. If a fixture is
already at the “copy to” location, you will be asked if you want to copy over the existing
fixture, press “yes” to copy over it or “no” to exit.
This menu loads fixture profiles into the Show Designer 3 from a compact flash card. Fixture
profiles are small files that are available from elationlighting.com that contain detailed
information about a lighting fixture. These files will allow you to see the name and function of
each of channel while programming scenes. Once loaded, a profile can be selected from the
fixture list when choosing fixtures. Profiles are most useful when using the data wheels to
program your fixtures. The wheels will be able to select preprogrammed steps within a channel
such as the colors on a color wheel. These channel steps can also be called from presets,
(explained in more detail later in the presets chapter).
You must first download or create the profiles then copy them to a CF card. You can create
your own profiles using the profile creator software available from elationlighting.com.
When you first select this menu, the message “Load all profiles from CF?” will appear in the
display. Press “yes” or “enter” to load every profile that is on the CF card. Press “no” if you
want to select individual profiles from the card. The message “Select fixture file, then press
enter” will appear on the top line of the display if you press “no”. The bottom line of the
display will show the first fixture profile found on the card. Use the + or – switch or data wheel
1 to select a profile (if there is more that one profile on the disk) then press “enter”. The profile
will be loaded into memory and will then be available as a selection when using the “choose
fixtures” menu. Up to 256 fixture profiles can be loaded into memory.
This menu loads fixture profiles into the Show Designer 3 from a PC using the COM port.
When you select this menu, the message “Ready to receive fixture profile” will appear. You
must send the fixture file from your PC to the Show Designer using the “SD backup” program
which is available from elationlighting.com. The profile will be loaded into memory and can
then be selected using the “choose fixtures” menu. Read the chapter on how to use the
computer port in this manual for more information.
This menu removes individual profiles from memory to free up memory space. When you
select this menu, the message “Select profile to remove, press enter” will appear on the top line
of the display. The first profile found in memory will appear on the bottom line, use the + or –
switch or data wheel 1 to select from the list of profiles. Press, “enter” to remove that profile.
The flex fader section can operate in three different ways; controlling light fixture channels,
controlling conventional dimmers, or as additional playbacks. Select the desired operation
mode and press “enter”. When you switch back and forth between the flex fader modes, all of
the playback or dimmer programming on the faders is preserved.