Show Designer 3 allows you to call scenes and blackouts from the MIDI input. The scene page
and number can be encoded in a MIDI continuous controller message sent to the MIDI input
by a computer or MIDI sequencer. You will have to use the tools provided with the MIDI
program you are working with to create and send the correct MIDI message. The MIDI channel
for the SD3 is selected using the setup menu as explained earlier in this manual. The MIDI
message is a 3 byte MIDI continuous controller using the following format:
To call a scene (decimal number format):
byte 1: 175 + MIDI channel (1-16)
byte 2: scene page (0-98)
byte 3: scene number (0-47)
The hexadecimal version of the scene message using MIDI channel 1 looks like this:
B0 pp nn
where pp is the page minus 1 and nn is the scene minus 1
Please note that the scene and page numbers used are one less that what is displayed on the
To start or stop a blackout (decimal format):
byte 1: 175 + MIDI channel (1-16)
byte 2: 99
byte 3: 127 for blackout, 0 to release
The hexadecimal version of the blackout message using MIDI channel 1 looks like this:
B0 63 7F – blackout on
B0 63 00 – blackout off