“go” and “back” to manually step forward or backwards in the show while it is paused. Press
“stop” again to turn off the LED and restore the clock. If you programmed the show as manual,
you must use the go and back switches to step forwards or backwards. If you press “go” while
the clock is running the show will jump ahead to the next step.
If the show is set to loop, it will play continuously, restarting after the last step’s hold time has
counted down to 0 or when you press “go” (manual mode). If loop is set to “off”, the show will
end after the last scene has been called. If there is a link assigned to the show, the linked show
will start as soon as the last step’s hold time has elapsed or after the go switch is pressed in
manual mode following the last step.
If the solo LED is lit while any show is running, each new step will solo its scene. This works
the same as when calling a scene in solo mode. Channel track through (pile on) is disabled,
any channels that are part of the new scene will be updated, all other channels will be set to 0
and any chases that were called by previous scenes will be turned off.