DSL-500G ADSL Router User’s Guide
• IPV6 Multicast: IP Multicasting under IP Protocol version 6. See IP Multicast above.
• 802.1.Q: This IEEE specification defines a protocol for virtual LANs on Ethernet networks. A virtual
LAN is a group of PCs that function as a local area network, even though the PCs may not be physically
connected. They are commonly used to facilitate administration of large networks.
To block a protocol, click the appropriate check box, and click the Submit button to save the settings in
temporary memory. When you are done making changes to the configuration settings, open the Commit &
Reboot menu and click the Commit button to save your changes to permanent memory.
Changing the Manager Password
The first time you log into the Web Configuration Manager, use the default user ID and password (admin and
admin). The system allows only one user ID and password. Only the password can be changed. Access the User
Configuration menu in the Admin folder.
Figure 28. Change User Password
To change user name and password used for management privileges, log into the Configuration Manager, click
on the Add button and change these settings in a new window:
User ID:
This lists the current User ID (user name).
New Password:
Type in the new password.
Confirm New:
Type in the new password a second time for confirmation.
Click the Submit button to save the settings in temporary memory. When you are done making changes to the
configuration settings, open the Commit & Reboot menu and click the Commit button to save your changes to
permanent memory.