
DSL-500G ADSL Router User’s Guide
Network Address Translation is a method for disguising the private IP addresses you use on your LAN as the
public IP address you use on the Internet. You define NAT rules that specify exactly how and when to translate
between public and private IP addresses.
NAT is enabled by default. You can enable or disable NAT by selecting the Enable or Disable option in the
configuration menu and submitting the settings.
Figure 20. NAT Configuration
To view the NAT Rule setting menu or the NAT Translations entries, select the option from the NAT Options:
drop-down menu. To configure NAT Rules, select the NAT Rule Entry option and click the Add button. A new
window is displayed:
Figure 21. Add NAT Rule
From the Rule Flavor drop-down list, select Basic, Filter, NAPT, BIMAP, RDR or PASS. The page redisplays
with only the fields that are appropriate for the chosen NAT flavor.