DSL-500G ADSL Router User’s Guide
Follow these steps to configure DNS relay:
1. Configure the LAN PCs to use the Router's LAN IP address as their DNS server address -- by assigning
the LAN IP address statically to each PC, or by inputting the LAN IP address or the address as
the DNS address in a DHCP server pool.
2. If using a PPP connection to the ISP, configure it to "Use DNS" so that the DNS server addresses it
learns are used for DNS relay.
If not using a PPP connection (or if you want to specify DNS addresses in addition to those learned through
PPP), configure the DNS addresses on the Router as follows:
a. Click the Services tab, and then click DNS in the task bar. The DNS Configuration page displays.
b. Type the IP address of the DNS server in an empty row and click the Add button. You can enter only
two addresses.
c. Click the Enable radio button, and then click the Submit button.
3. Click the Submit button to save the settings in temporary memory. When you are done making changes
to the configuration settings, open the Commit & Reboot menu and click the Commit button to save
your changes to permanent memory.