Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Appendix B Networking
Configuring Network Management
Node to CWM (Incoming)
Table B-2 lists the incoming ports the nodes use to communicate with CWM.
Configuring Network Management
You have two options for configuring your network for network management. You can use in-band
management or out-of-band management.
In-Band Management
When using in-band management, the network management traffic flows through the network you are
managing. Switch software uses the proprietary IP Relay protocol to pass IP traffic over trunks in the
WAN network for in-band management. To use in-band management, at least one node in the network
that is to be managed by CWM must be connected by way of a LAN, to CWM. This node is called the
Gateway node. All network management data from all other nodes in the network flows through the
Gateway node to CWM. You can configure CWM to use in-band management using a basic hub
attachment without a router or across routers.
In-Band Management Without Routers
Figure B-1 is an illustration of a typical network set up for in-band management without routers. The
following configuration of workstation files is required to support in-band management of the network
without routers.
tcp 23 telnet
tcp 13 daytime
udp 5120 link 0/1
Table B-1 Outgoing Ports Used by CWM (continued)
Protocol Port Function
Table B-2 Incoming Ports Used by CWM
Protocol Port Function
udp 162 SNMP Trap
udp 2500 rtm
udp 8161 snmpAgent
tcp 9999 HPOV Database daemon