Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
AppendixA Internet Connectivity
Step 5 Manually configure mapping for MGX 8850 Release 2:
map-list atm
ip atm-nsap 47.0091.8100.0000.1010.1010.1010.1010.1010.1010.10
Step 6 Manually set up IP route table entries for MGX 8850 Release 2:
ip route
Step 7 Make sure IP routing enabled:
ip routing
You must create a PNNI link between the MGX 8850 Release 2 node (for the node which is physically
connected to the router) and the router. To create a PNNI link, complete the following described below:
From the AXSM
Step 1 Create a UNI port,
popeye10.6.AXSM.a > addport 1 1.1 48000 48000 6 1
Step 2 Create a partition,
popeye10.6.AXSM.a > addpart 1 1 2 1000000 1000000 1000000 1000000 1 255 33 65535 100 1000
From the PXM
Step 1 Display the PNNI ports,
popeye10.7.PXM45.a > dsppnports
Step 2 Check whether the port is up and normal
PortId IF status Admin status ILMI state Total Activeconns
7.35 up up Undefined 0
7.36 up up Undefined 0
7.37 up up Undefined 0
7.38 up up Undefined 0
6:1.1:1 up up UpAndNormal 1
Step 3 If the port is displayed, then do the following:
popeye10.7.PXM45.a > dnpnport 6:1.1:1
popeye10.7.PXM45.a > cnfpnportsig 6:1.1:1 -univer uni31
popeye10.7.PXM45.a > uppnport 6:1.1:1
popeye10.7.PXM45.a >
addaddr 6:1.1:1 47.0091.8100.0000.1010.1010.1010.1010.1010.1010.10 160