Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter 4 Connection Manager
PVC Connections Supported by Release 10 of CWM
Use Trunks Using ZCS: This type is applicable only when a connection involves multiple
routing nodes. Routing is not involved when a connection originates and terminates on the same
routing node. That is, when originating and terminating endpoints are using the same routing
node, this parameter is not applicable and is made insensitive. (Greyed out).
Preferred Route: This type is applicable only when a connection involves multiple routing
nodes. Routing is not involved when a connection originates and terminates on the same routing
node. That is, when originating and terminating endpoints are using the same routing node, this
parameter is not applicable and is made insensitive. (Greyed out).
Override CAC: Connection Admission Control. An ATM function which determines whether a
virtual circuit VC) connection request should be accepted or rejected. Override CAC allows an
override option for this function.
Route Master: The initial point of a route request.
Current Route: The current traffic route.
Click on the parameter you would like to edit, then click on the Edit button at the bottom of the All
Parameters window.
An Edit screen appears with all editable parameters. Make any necessary changes. Click the Apply
button. All values are saved. Click O.K. and you are returned to the Modify Connection screen.
After applying modifications to a connection, you can save changes to a connection template for later
use by clicking Save Template. Also, you can select Load Template to retrieve a previously modified
connection template.
For an ATM-ATM connection with CBR Service Type, the editable connection parameters are as
• Ingress UPC Parameters
PCR0+1(cps): Specifies the transmit/receive Peak Cell Rate (PCR) for cells leaving the first
leaky bucket on the ASI card with CLP(0+1). Applies to only CBR connections. In general,
traffic arriving at rates greater than the PCR are dicarded.
CDVT0+1(usec): Cell Delay Variation Tolerance for the first leaky bucket, which applies to
cells with CLP(0+1). CDVT is the maximum time for accumulated violations of cell-arrival
time parameters.
• CAC & Rate Parameters
CDV(usec): Cell Delay Variation. The maximum allowable delay variation through a network
for a circuit emulation connection.
CTD(msecs): Cell Transfer Delay. The maximum delay incurred by a cell (including
propagation and buffering delays.)
• Connection Descriptor
The connection descriptor is independently configurable at each end of a connection. Character
Limitations: None. Range: The Descriptor field will take any number of characters, but will
only display 64. To activate the Connection Descriptor feature, the following configuration
steps will need to be followed. Using the command line interface (CLI) as user svplus:
a. cd/usr/users/svplus/conf
b. vi CwmDomainGlobal.conf
# Cwm Global Across the Domain Configuration File
# <Name> = <Value>
DESCRIPTOR_FLAG=0 (on=1, off=0)
c. Change the flag to 1 (on)