
A/C-7P RO, A/C-7S RO
Table 6-5 (continued). IOGL Graphics Language.
Parameter Description Units of Valid
Measurement Values
radius radius of a circle or pie chart n/300 inch positive
segment value to be represented by a integer 0 to 100
value n pie chart segment
value n a value to be represented by a any positive any positive
bar in a bar chart or a point in integer integer
a line chart
x start x coordinate of start position n/300 inch positive
for lines and boxes integers;
incl. 0
x end x coordinate of end position n/300 inch positive
for lines and boxes integers;
incl. 0
x center x coordinate of center point of n/300 inch positive
circle, arc, or pie chart integers;
incl. 0
x increment horizontal movement before n/300 inch positive
next bar (bar chart) or value integers;
(run chart) is printed incl. 0
y center y coordinate of center point of n/300 inch positive
circle, arc, or pie chart integers;
incl. 0