
A/C-7P RO, A/C-7S RO
Table 7-1. Problem Resolution Guide.
Problem or Message Probable Cause Action
Printer won’t change fonts Incorrect typestyle Make sure the font
number ID used is valid.
Invalid font IDs are
ignored by the printer.
Wrong font cartridge Load the cartridge
loaded with the font that
corresponds to the
font ID.
Font cartridge If possible try a
damaged or not seated known good
into the printer cartridge to determine
properly if cartridge is faulty.
Make sure the
cartridge is loaded
Printer does not print APO feature is ON Turn off APO or
landscape in requested and page size is 8-1/2" increase page size
font x 11" or less and so it is larger than
width is less than height 8-1/2" x 11" or
change width and
height so width is
greater than height.