
A/C-7P RO, A/C-7S RO
Table 4-2. Tests/Diagnostic.
Tests/Diagnostic SW1:1 SW1:8
Restore Factory Defaults | o
Self-Test o |
EBCDIC Hex Dump o |
Table 4-3. Tests/Diagnostic.
Tests/Diagnostic SW1:4 SW1:5 SW1:6 SW1:7
ASCII Hex Dump ||||
Table 4-4. Operating Mode.
Operating Mode SW1:1 SW1:4 SW1:5 SW1:6 SW1:7 SW1:8
No Tests o Valid Output Protocol o
The first two test functions
(Restore Factory Defaults and Self-
Test) are performed only if the
configuration switches are set as
indicated when the A/C-7 RO is
powered on. In the case of the self-
test, the A/C-7 RO prints a self-test
at power-on and then needs to be
powered off. Refer to Chapter 7 for
more information.