location properties 141
managed appliance settings 147
merging cascade switches 134
merging target devices 133
migrating DSView 2.x units 326
multiple unit operations 111
names 123, 125
note properties 142, 143
overview properties 140
properties 139
showing 107
splitting cascade switches 134
status 108
status polling 69
synchronization 123, 125
topology view 104
unit groups 210
Unit Overview windows 112
Units View windows 103
User accounts
about displays 229
access rights 239
adding 231
changing address 237
changing expiration 236
changing password 236
changing preemption level 237
changing restrictions 236
changing user certificate 38, 235
changing user group membership 237
changing username 234
properties 234
resetting password 23
setting the lockout policy for internal
authentication service users 81
specifying user SSH key 235
unlocking 233
validating on external authentication server 330
See also User groups
User groups
about 241
access rights 246
adding user-defined 242
built-in 40
changing members 245
changing properties 245
deleting user-defined 244
naming in external authentication services 242
User options in client sessions 36
Video noise compensation 173
Video Viewer
about 249
capturing a display 270
closing a session 254
connecting to an existing session 252
displaying users 270
KVM session profiles 254
manual video adjustment 267
menu commands 263
opening a KVM session 251
power controlling devices attached to power
devices 279
scan mode 271
session properties 253
session time-out 254
Virtual media
about 279