
172 DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Sharing Interactive - A session that is being shared by two or more users. Interactive users
have full control of the video, mouse and keyboard. Passive users may also share the
session, but may only display the session and have a mode of Sharing Passive.
A user may display the usernames of other users sharing the session if View identity of
shared connections is checked in the Video Viewer Session Properties dialog box or if the
user is a member of the administrators user group. Users viewing the session in Stealth
mode will not be listed. If users disconnect from the session and a single user remains
connected, the mode will change to Normal.
Sharing Passive - A session that is being shared by two or more users. Passive users may
only display the DSView 3 software session. Interactive users may also share the session,
but have full control of the video, mouse and keyboard and have a state of Sharing
A user may display the usernames of other users sharing the software session if View
identity of shared connections is checked in the Video Viewer Session Properties dialog
box or if the user is a member of the built-in administrators user group. Users viewing the
session in Stealth mode will not be listed. If other users disconnect from the session and a
single user remains connected, the mode will change to Normal.
Scan - A temporary non-exclusive DSView 3 software session that displays connected
target devices in a thumbnail viewer.
(KVM switches) Owner - Username of the logged in user that owns the session connected to
the managed appliance.
(KVM switches) Port - Managed appliance port number connected to the session.
Preemption Level - Effective user preemption level for the user that is connected to the
appliance port. See Preemption Levels on page 41.
(serial console appliances) Client - IP address of the DSView 3 software client computer
connected to the appliance in a non-proxied connection. The IP address of the DSView 3 proxy
will display in this column if the client is connected to the appliance using a proxy connection.
(serial console appliances) Interface - Interface to which to the session is connected, which is
either a serial port or the network CLI.
To display session information:
This procedure is valid for supported KVM switches and serial console appliances. It may also be
valid for appliances supported by a plug-in; see the appropriate documentation.
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then click Sessions. The Appliance
Sessions window will open.
3. To display information about a specific session, click on the name of the KVM, virtual media
or serial session. The Active Session Information window will open, including information
about the active session.