150 DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
4. To enable SNMP manager settings, click Managers in the side navigation bar. The Appliance
SNMP Manager Settings window will open. Type the IP addresses, in standard dot notation
(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx), for up to four SNMP managers. Then, click Save.
5. To specify SNMP community settings, click Community in the side navigation bar. The
Appliance SNMP Community Settings window will open. Type the SNMP community names
for reading, writing and SNMP traps. Then, click Save.
6. To specify SNMP destination settings, click Destinations in the side navigation bar. The
Appliance SNMP Destination Settings window will open. Type the IP addresses, in standard
dot notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx), for up to four SNMP destinations. Then, click Save.
7. To enable or disable SNMP traps, click Traps in the side navigation bar. The Appliance SNMP
Trap Settings window will open. Select one of the following:
• Enabled turns a trap on; Disabled turns a trap off.
• Enable All turns all traps on; Disable All turns all traps off.
8. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
Target Device Settings
For information about power device settings, see Power Devices on page 165.
To display a list of target devices that are attached to a managed appliance or
initiate a push/pull name operation:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the name of an appliance.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar, then click Target Devices.
3. The Target Devices window will open.
4. To initiate a pull or push name operation (see Name Synchronization on page 125), click the
checkboxes to the left of one or more device names. To select all names on the page, click the
box to the left of Appliance Name at the top of the list.
• For a pull operation, click Pull Name.
• For a push operation, click Push Name.
Customizing the Target Devices window
The following fields may be displayed in the Target Devices window. Use the Customize link to
add or remove fields in the display. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
• Name in Appliance - Name of the target device in the appliance.
• Name in DSView - Name of the target device in the DSView 3 software database.
• Connection - Connection path to the target device in the appliance.
To change the appliance name for a target device:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances, click on the name of an appliance.