Chapter 3: DSView 3 Explorer Windows 29
Table 3.6 lists the keyboard commands that may be used when a calendar is enabled and has focus.
Table 3.7 lists the keyboard commands that may be used when a spinner is enabled and has focus.
Table 3.6: Calendar Keyboard Commands
Key Description
Enter or Space Displays or closes the calendar.
Esc Closes the calendar.
Page Up Decrements the month by one month and selects the first day of the month.
Page Down Increases the month by one month and selects the first day of the month.
Right Arrow
Increments the day by one day. If the last day of the month is selected and the Right
Arrow key is pressed, the month is incremented to the next month.
Left Arrow
Decrements the day by one day. If the first day of the month is selected and the Left
Arrow key is pressed, the month is decremented to the previous month.
Up Arrow
Decrements the weekday by one week. If the first weekday type of the month is selected
and the Up Arrow key is pressed, the month is decremented to the previous month.
Down Arrow
Increments the weekday by one week. If the last weekday type of the month is selected
and the Down Arrow key is pressed, the month is incremented to the next month.
Table 3.7: Spinner Keyboard Commands
Key Description
Up Arrow Increments the spinner number by one
Down Arrow Decrements the spinner number by one