Chapter 21: Using Tasks 305
c. If you enable the Allow target devices with the same name to be merged into a single
target device checkbox, the connection to a target device in the unit will be merged with
the connection(s) to an existing target device in the DSView 3 software database.
d. If you enable the Allow target devices that contain default names to be added for these
type of connections checkbox, you may then enable one or more connection type
checkboxes. Any target devices that contain default names in the unit will be added to the
DSView 3 software database only if the connection type in the unit matches an enabled
connection type in this window.
e. Click Next.
10. The Completed Successful window will open. Click Finish. The Tasks window will open.
Running tasks manually
Although tasks are scheduled to run at particular times using the Add Task Wizard, you may run an
existing task at any time.
To manually run tasks:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click the checkbox to the left of the task(s) you wish to run. To select all tasks on the page,
click the checkbox to the left of Name at the top of the list.
Remote tasks that are scheduled on another DSView 3 server may not be run from the DSView
3 server to which you are logged in. To run a remote task, you must log in to the DSView 3
server on which the task was created.
4. Click Run Now. The icon to the left of the task name will change to the running icon and the
status of the task will change to Running.
Displaying task results
The Task Results window displays the status of the most current run of tasks, including successful
and unsuccessful runs and information on each run.
The following fields display in the Task Results window for the Configure SNMP trap settings on
appliance, Control power of target devices, Migrate Units, Send IPMI chassis control command to
target devices and Upgrade firmware of selected appliances of the same type tasks:
• Name - Names of the unit on which the task is running or has been run
• Start Time - Exact time at which each task run occurred
• Duration - Date and time of the task run
• Status - Result of the task run
To display the results of a task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.