Chapter 6: Authentication Services 81
Click Browse with user credentials to browse users on the external Windows NT
authentication based on credentials configured on the server. If this option is selected, do
the following:
a. Type the username for a Windows NT account that has browse rights in the User
Name field.
b. Type the password for a Windows NT account that has browse rights in the
Password field.
c. Click Next.
7. The Establish Connection with Authentication Service window will briefly appear. If the
external authentication service is added successfully, the Completed Successful window
will open.
8. Click Finish. The User Authentication Services window will open with the new service listed.
To change connection settings for the Windows NT external authentication service:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click the name of the Windows NT service. The side navigation bar will change to include the
name of the service at the top and, below the name, the information you may define.
4. Click Connection in the side navigation bar. The Authentication Service Connection Settings -
NT window will open.
5. Type a name in the Service Name field to change the name of the service that appears in the
Name column of the User Authentication Services window.
6. Type the name of the Windows NT domain in the Domain Name field.
7. Click Save and then click Close. The User Authentication Services window will open.
To change user browsing settings for Windows NT external
authentication services:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click the name of the Windows NT service. The side navigation bar will change to include the
name of the Windows NT service at the top and, below the name, the information you
may define.
4. Click User Browsing in the side navigation bar. The Authentication Service User Browsing -
NT window will open.
5. Click Browse Anonymously to anonymously browse users on the external Windows NT
authentication server.