
Common Systems Connection Standards AT&T Services, Inc
Date: August 31, 2007 ATT-TP-76450, Issue 9
Copyright ©2004 – 2006, AT&T Knowledge Ventures
All rights reserved
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9 APPENDIX A – ATT-TP-76450 Checklist Instructions and Process
9.1 Purpose
The purpose of this appendix is to assist product suppliers with preparing and furnishing
equipment documentation to the company representative for product evaluation purposes.
9.2 Scope
An evaluation reviews a product against all applicable requirements based on the equipment
and its intended use in the network. Unless otherwise stated, all requirements apply to
equipment systems and equipment units that will be installed in network equipment buildings
and equipment areas within buildings, electronic equipment enclosures such as controlled
environment vaults, outside mounted electronic equipment cabinets, and at customer locations.
9.3 Instructions:
Manufacturer is to complete the ATT-TP-76450 Checklist in Appendix B as follows:
Mark the appropriate column in the checklist as follows:
“Yes” indicates that the equipment listed is compliant to the requirement.*
“No” indicates that the equipment listed is not compliant to the requirement.
“N/A” indicates that the requirement is not applicable to the equipment listed. Each
requirements checked “N/A” must include an explanatory footnote.
*If equipment is evaluated by manufacturer as compliant, but deviates in some way from the
stated requirement, mark “Part” (partial) in the “No” column and include an explanatory
Explanatory footnotes should be placed in the matrix following the checklist and reference
specific requirement numbers for each comment.
Forward supporting documentation as required in Section 7.3.
9.4 Process:
Requirements marked “Yes” for compliance will require no further action.
Requirements marked “No” for non-compliance will trigger the AT&T SME for the requirement
to contact the manufacturer in an effort to resolve the non-compliance. All issues must be
resolved before the equipment is approved for use in AT&T.