
Common Systems Connection Standards AT&T Services, Inc
Date: August 31, 2007 ATT-TP-76450, Issue 9
Copyright ©2004 – 2006, AT&T Knowledge Ventures
All rights reserved
Page 23
7.9 Consistent Terminology throughout Documentation
Per GR-454-CORE, Section 2.4, terminology must remain consistent throughout all
documentation for a platform.
Example: Maintenance Mode must remain Maintenance Mode and not vary to Maintenance
Condition or Maintenance State
7.10 Consistent Terminology between Documentation and Platform.
Per GR-454-CORE, Section 2.4, terminology must be consistent between the documentation
and the platform.
Example: If it is referred to as Maintenance Mode in the documentation it must be
Maintenance Mode in the Craft and EMS GUIs.
7.11 Revision Numbering
Documentation shall be clearly marked on each page with Revision numbers to indicate when
changes are made within the document.
7.12 Revision History
A revision history section shall be included to clearly indicate what and where changes are
made within the document.
7.13 Documentation Submitted for Review
The following shall be submitted with the TP7650-001 Check list.
7.13.1 Excerpts from Documentation
Forward excerpts of documentation for the following detail procedures:
a) Initial shelf activation to include Log-on, Setting IP and Sub-net,
b) Card insertion and system recognition
c) Switch-over from Working to Standby circuits