
Network Management Card: Quick Configuration
NetworkAIR IR Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting 49
With Boot Mode set to DHCP & BOOTP (the default setting), the Network Management Card
attempts to discover a properly configured server. It first searches for a BOOTP server, then a DHCP
server, and repeats this pattern until it discovers a BOOTP or DHCP server.
BOOTP. You can use an RFC951-compliant BOOTP server to configure the TCP/IP settings for the
Network Management Card.
1. Enter the Network Management Card’s MAC and IP addresses, the subnet mask and default
gateway settings, and an optional bootup file name in the BOOTPTAB file of the BOOTP
2. When the Network Management Card reboots, the BOOTP server provides it with the TCP/IP
If you specified a bootup file name, the Network Management Card attempts to transfer that
file from the BOOTP server using TFTP or FTP. The Network Management Card assumes all
settings specified in the bootup file.
If you did not specify a bootup file name, the Network Management Card can be configured
remotely by using the control console or the Web interface (user name and password are both
apc, by default).
See “BOOTP” on this page or “DHCP” on page 50.
The BOOTP only setting assumes that a properly configured BOOTP server is
available to provide TCP/IP settings to APC Network Management Cards. If a
BOOTP server is unavailable, see “APC Device IP Configuration Wizard” on
page 48, “Local access to the control console” on page 51, or “Remote access to the
control console” on page 52 to configure the TCP/IP settings.
For the MAC address, look on the nameplate of the NetworkAIR IR Precision
Air Conditioner.
To create the bootup file, see your BOOTP server documentation.