
Operation: Set Up Group
NetworkAIR IR Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting 29
Grp Smoke Alrm. Share smoke alarms among the Systems in this Group. If the Group Smoke
Alarm setting is On, all Systems in the Group will shut down if a smoke alarm occurs in one System.
Comm Loss Failover. Decide if the Group considers a System in the Comm Lost state to be failed.
Off — The Group will assume that the System is still operating normally.
On — A backup System will be moved to the online state.
Name. Set the name of this Group. The Group name also appears in the Network Management Card
Group settings
Path: Main > Setup > Group > Group Settings
The Group Settings define the load-sharing and System role-assignment functions of the Group.
Load Share. Enable or disable load-sharing requests for each mode. If load-sharing is disabled,
Systems cannot send requests for assistance to the Group.
Load Share Thrshlds. Set the load-sharing thresholds for each mode. If the environmental
temperature or humidity is outside the range determined by the setpoint and threshold, the System
will generate a load-sharing request. Acceptable ranges for each mode are:
Sys Role Assignment. The System Role Assignment settings depend on the Run-time Bal setting.
•If Run-time Bal is set to On, each System is rotated between a primary and backup role in
order to spread the run hours among all of the Systems in the Group. Rotation occurs after 72
hours of operation.
# Primary: Set the number of Systems to be designated as primary. The remaining Systems in
the Group will assume the backup role.
•If Run-time Bal is set to Off, you must designate the role of each System in the Group. The
System will retain this role until you change the setting.
Sys# Role: Set the role for each System. Backup Systems operate only in the event of a failure
or load-sharing request (if enabled).
Sys failure events
Path: Main > Setup > Group > Group Settings
Mode Range Share if
Cool 0.0–20.0°F(0.0–11.1°C) Temperature > Setpoint
+ Threshold
Reheat 0.0–20.0°F (0.0–11.1°C) Temperature < Setpoint
– Threshold
Dehumidify 0.0–20.0% RH Humidity > Setpoint
+ Threshold
Humidify 0.0–20.0% RH Humidity < Setpoint
– Threshold