Operation: Set Up the Display
NetworkAIR IR Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting 33
5. In your terminal emulator, ensure that the connection is active (HyperTerminal will display a
series of “C” characters) and send the file using the XMODEM protocol.
6. When the download is complete, the screen displays the new version.
7. Restart the System.
Reset to defaults
Path: Main > Setup > System # > Display > Reset to Defaults
Reset User Params.
Return settings that can be modified with the user password to their factory
default settings.
Reset Srvc Params. Return settings that can be modified with the service password to their factory
default settings.
Reset Group Params. Return Group settings that can be modified with the service password to
their factory default settings.
Reset Controller. Restart the Module. Turns off the Module and then restarts it for service purposes.
Product data
Path: Main > Setup > System # > Display > Product Data
The Product Data option provides three screens of user-defined data that make identifying
information available at the display interface.
Options on the Product Data screens include:
•Product Name
• Product Location
• Product Contact
The Module will not cool for several minutes during the restart process. Only
trained field service personnel should use this feature.
Enter text for these options on the display interface in the same manner as you enter a
password. See “Password entry” on page 4.