Chapter 1 51
Programming Fundamentals
Overview of GPIB (Option A4H)
• A local function that is the complement to the remote command, causing an
instrument to return to local control with a fully enabled front panel (sometimes
called: local, resume).
• A clear function that causes all GPIB instruments, or addressed instruments, to
assume a cleared condition. The definition of clear is unique for each
instrument (sometimes called: clear, reset, control, send).
In the Agilent EMC Analyzer, clear does the following:
1. Clears the Input Buffer and the Output Queue.
2. Resets the parser.
3. Clears any current operations, such as *OPC, i.e., returns the device to
Operation Complete Query Idle State and Operation Complete Command
Idle State.
4. Aborts /resumes the current sweep.
• An output function that is used to send function commands and data commands
from the controller to the addressed instrument (sometimes called: output,
control, convert, image, iobuffer, transfer).
• An enter function that is the complement of the output function and is used to
transfer data from the addressed instrument to the controller (sometimes called:
enter, convert, image, iobuffer, on timeout, set timeout, transfer).