
332 Chapter 5
Language Reference
TRACe Subsystem
+ 1), at which time the full number of smoothing points is
utilized. The same characteristic occurs at the completion of the
trace, beginning at point 386, when the number of averaging
buckets begins to decrease until point 401 is reached.
By replacing the value of each point in a trace with the average
of the values of a number of points centered about that point,
any rapid variations in noise or signals are smoothed into more
gradual variations. It thereby performs a function similar to
reducing the video bandwidth without the corresponding
changes in sweep time; as such, frequency resolution is
decreased. Also, signal peaks are reduced with large smoothing
values; and this can cause the amplitude to appear to be less than
its actual value.
Number of Points for Smoothing
:TRACe:MATH:SMOoth:POINts <integer>
Specifies the number of points that will be smoothed in :TRACe:MATH:SMOoth.
See that command for an explanation of how smoothing is performed.
Increasing the number of points increases smoothing at the cost of decreasing
resolution. If the number of points is an even number, then the number of points is
increased by one. If the number of points is larger than the number of sweep
points, then the number of sweep points is used, unless the number of sweep points
is even, in which case the number of points will be the sweep points minus one.
The number of points smoothed is always an odd number.
Range: Integer, 3 to current number of sweep points
Trace Math Subtract
Subtracts the magnitude of the two source traces (trace 1 trace 2) and places the
result in the destination trace.
Destination traces are: TRACE1|2|3
Source traces are: TRACE1|2|3
Example: :TRAC:MATH:SUBT TRACE3,TRACE3,TRACE2 is equivalent
to: (trace 3 = trace 3 trace 2)