Chapter 5 323
Language Reference
SYSTem Subsystem
Locate SCPI Command Errors
:SYSTem:ERRor:VERBose OFF|ON|0|1
Adds additional information to the error messages returned by the
:SYSTem:ERRor? command. It indicates which SCPI command was executing
when the error occurred and what about that command was unacceptable.
<error number>,”<error message>;<annotated SCPI command>”
The maximum length of the <annotated SCPI command> is 80 characters. If the
error occurs in a SCPI command longer than 80 characters, the <Err> sentinel is
placed at the end of the <annotated SCPI command>.
Example: First set SYST:ERR:VERBose ON
If the command SENSe:FREQuently:CENTer 942.6MHz is
sent, then sending SYST:ERR? returns:
−113,”Undefined header;SENSe:FREQuently:<Err>CENTer 942.6MHz $<NL>”
The <Err> shown after FREQuently shows you the spelling
error. (The $<NL> is the typical representation for the command
If the command SENSe:FREQ:CENTer 942.6Sec is sent,
then sending SYST:ERR? returns:
−131,”Invalid suffix;SENSe:FREQuency:CENTer 942.6Sec<Err> $<NL>”
The <Err> shown after Sec shows you the invalid suffix.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by *RST
Remarks: The verbose SCPI error debugging state is global to all the SCPI
History: Added with firmware revision A.08.00.
Front Panel
Access: System, Show Errors, Verbose SCPI ON OFF
Host Identification Query
This command returns a string that contains the host identification. This ID is
required in order to obtain the license key that enables a new application or option.
Front Panel
System, Show System