3 - Language Dictionary
Subsystem Commands
Subsystem commands are specific to functions. They can be a single command or a group of
commands. The groups are comprised of commands that extend one or more levels below the root. The
description of common commands follows the description of the subsystem commands.
The subsystem command groups are listed in alphabetical order and the commands within each
subsystem are grouped alphabetically under the subsystem. Commands followed by a question mark (?)
take only the query form. When commands take both the command and query form, this is noted in the
syntax descriptions.
You will find the subsystem command groups discussed on the following pages:
Subsystem Page
Calibration Subsystem 29
Display Subsystem 34
Instrument Subsystem 35
Measurement Subsystem (Arrays) 37
Measurement Subsystem (Current) 42
Measurement Subsystem (Frequency) 48
Measurement Subsystem (Power) 49
Measurement Subsystem (Voltage) 52
Output Subsystem 55
Sense Subsystem 60
Source Subsystem (Current) 62
Source Subsystem (Frequency) 65
Source Subsystem (Function) 68
Source Subsystem (List) 71
Source Subsystem (Phase) 80
Source Subsystem (Pulse) 82
Source Subsystem (Voltage) 85
Status Subsystem 94
System Commands 102
Trace Subsystem 105
Trigger Subsystem 107
Common Commands 113