D - Elgar Model 9012 Compatibility
key functions:
Display Format Description
INP:COUP <enum> Set coupling for front panel measurements (AC | DC | ACDC)
Trigger Control key functions:
Display Format Description
JUMPER1 <enum> Set W1 emulation jumper (NORM | ALT)
Pulse key functions:
Display Format Description
DROP <value> Dropout for <value> half cycles (JUMPER1 NORM) or
for <value> full cycles (JUMPER1 ALT)
Entry Keys
The Calibration key is not operational in E9012 language. All other Entry keys are identical in SCPI and
E9012 languages.
E9012 Language Command Summary
Command Description
<Device Clear>
Set the instrument to the power-on state and clear the error queue and the
serial poll response byte.
Set the rms output voltage.
CURL <n>
Set the rms output current limit. A value of 0 disables over-current protection
and sets the current limit function to allow maximum load current.
FREQ <n>
Sets the output frequency.
RNG 0 | 1
Set the output voltage range.
0 = low range
1 = high range
If the voltage range is changing, the output voltage is set to 0. If the voltage
range is not changing, the output voltage is unaffected.
RNGF 0 | 1 | 2
Set output frequency range.
0 = to 99.99Hz
1 = to 999.9Hz
2 = to 1200Hz
If the frequency range is changing, the frequency is set to 60Hz for range 0,
and to 400Hz for ranges 1 and 2. If the frequency range is not changing, the
output frequency is unaffected.
Closes the output relay
Opens the output relay
Disables fault shutdown
Enables fault shutdown