Language Dictionary - 3
Trigger Subsystem
This subsystem controls the triggering of the ac source. See Chapter 4 under "Triggering Output
Changes" for an explanation of the Trigger Subsystem. The INITiate commands control the initialization of
both the transient and measurement trigger systems.
NOTE: The trigger subsystem must first be enabled using the INITiate commands or no
triggering action will occur.
Subsystem Syntax
ABORt Resets the trigger system to the Idle state
[:IMMediate] Initiates the system for one trigger
:SEQuence[1|3] Initiates a specific numbered sequence
:NAME <name> Initiates a specific named sequence (TRANsient | ACQuire)
:SEQuence[1] <bool> Sets continuous initialization
:NAME TRANsient <bool> Sets continuous initialization
[:SEQuence1 | :TRANsient]
[:IMMediate] Triggers the output immediately
:DELay <n>] Sets the trigger delay time
:SOURce <source> Sets the trigger source (BUS | EXT | IMM)
:SEQuence2 | :SYNCronize
:SOURce <source> Sets the synchronous source (PHAse | IMMediate)
:PHASe <n> Sets the synchronous phase reference
:SEQuence3 | :ACQuire
[:IMMediate] Triggers the measurement immediately
:SOURce <source> Sets the trigger source (BUS | EXT | TTLT)
:DEFine TRANsient Sets or queries the SEQ1 name
:DEFine SYNChronize Sets or queries the SEQ2 name
:DEFine ACQuire Sets or queries the SEQ3 name