Language Dictionary - 3
Source Subsystem (Voltage)
This subsystem programs the output voltage of the ac source.
Subsystem Syntax
[:AMPLitude] <n> Sets the ac rms voltage amplitude
[:AMPLitude] <n> Sets the transient voltage amplitude
:MODE <mode> Sets the voltage mode (FIX | STEP | PULS | LIST)
[:IMMediate] <n> Sets the dc offset voltage
:MODE <mode> Sets the offset mode (FIX | STEP | PULS | LIST)
:TRIGgered <n> Sets the transient dc offset voltage
[:IMMediate] <n> | INFinity Sets the voltage slew rate
:MODE <mode> Sets voltage slew mode (FIX | STEP | PULS | LIST)
:TRIGgered <n> | INFinity Sets the transient voltage slew rate
[:LEVel] <n> Sets the overvoltage protection threshold
:STATe <bool> Sets the overvoltage protection state
:RANGe <n> Sets the voltage range
:DETector RTIMe | RMS Sets the sense detector for the voltage control loop
:SOURce INTernal | EXTernal Sets voltage sense source
[:IMMediate] <n> | INFinity Sets the voltage slew rate
:MODE <mode> Sets voltage slew mode (FIX | STEP | PULS | LIST)
:TRIGgered <n> | INFinity Sets the transient voltage slew rate