IEC Mode Command Summary
The Agilent 6812B, 6813B, and 6843A ac sources are designed to operate in Normal as well as IEC
mode. In Normal mode, the units respond to all of the commands that program ac source operation.
Normal mode commands are documented in this Programmer’s Guide. In IEC mode, when used in
conjunction with the Agilent 14761A Harmonic and Flicker Emissions Tests software, ac source provides
full EN 61000-3-2/EN 60555 Part 2 and EN 61000-3-3 compliance test capability. The SYSTem
CONFigure command details the differences between Normal and IEC mode.
When an Agilent 6812B, 6813B, or 6843A ac source is being used in IEC mode, the Agilent 14761A
Harmonic and Flicker Emissions Tests software handles all of the communication between the user and
the ac source. The Agilent 14761A software must be loaded and running in Microsoft Windows on a
personal computer that is connected to the ac source.
The IEC commands that are described in this appendix are for those users who need to directly program
the IEC functions of the Agilent 14761A without using the Agilent 14761A software. Be aware that these
commands will return “raw” data from the ac source. It is the programmer’s responsibility to interpret the
data according to the IEC standards.
Using the SENSe:CURRent:ACDC:RANGe command
The SENSe:CURRent:ACDC:RANGe command is documented earlier in this Programmer’s Guide. When
using this command in IEC mode, you must always initialize it before making any Array measurements by
sending a Meas:Curr? command. For example: