Elgar Model 9012 Compatibility - D
Command Description
The next voltage or frequency change is at 0 degrees phase (JUMPer1
NORMal), or 180 degrees phase (JUMPer1 ALTernate). The VOLTS or FREQ
command must be part of the same program message unit.
The next voltage or frequency change is at 90 degrees phase (JUMPer1
NORMal), or 270 degrees phase (JUMPer1 ALTernate). The VOLTS or FREQ
command must be part of the same program message unit.
No action (relaxes voltage and frequency limits in Elgar PIP)
DROP <n>
Sets dropout for <n> half cycles (JUMPer1 NORMal), or <n> full cycles
(JUMPer1 ALTernate).
Sets output voltage to 0 volts at 0 degrees phase sync.
ON 1 | 2
Restores output voltage to previous setting before OFF was given.
0 = restores immediately, with arbitrary phase
1 = restores at 0 degrees phase sync
2 = restores at 90 degrees phase sync
JUMPer1 NORMal |
Sets emulation of Elgar main board W1 jumper option. This setting is saved in
non-volatile memory and is retained after power off. This command is not
available in the E9012 PIP.
SCPI | E9012
Sets the programming language. The language setting is saved in non-volatile
memory and is retained after power off. This command is not available in the
E9012 PIP.
Returns the selected programming language. This query is not available in the
E9012 PIP.
Returns an error number and error string. This query is not available in the
E9012 PIP.
Returns the output frequency, format: F=nnnn.H
TEST 1 | 2 | 3
Returns the rms output voltage, phase 1, 2, or 3, format: A=nnn.nV
TEST 4 | 5 | 6
Returns the rms output current, phase 1, 2, or 3, format: A=nn.nnA
TEST 7 | 8 | 9
Returns the output power, phase 1, 2, or 3, format: A=nnnn.W