
Adiministrative Tasks
2-10 Start-up and Shutdown 601354 Rev A
Step 4. Enter y to continue with shutdown.
The Volume Server SysLog Console and each
archive Console disappear from the terminals on
which they are displayed.
Step 5. Logout as vsadm.
VolServ Version 5.0 for #### (#.#) --
Copyright (c) 1992 - 2001 - ADIC, Inc.
Initiating VolServ shutdown
Are you sure you wish to continue? (y/<n>) y
Setup environment variables ok
Shutting down VolServ system processes..Done
System processes shut down ok
Shutting down VolServ servers...........Done
Servers shut down ok
Shutting down VolServ process server.... Done
Process server shut down ok
VolServ shut down completed