Administrative Tasks
6-12 Troubleshoot 601354 Rev A
Newly Created
Why doe VolServ not keep
a record of newly created
Newly created archives remain unknown
to VolServ until the software is cycled after
the archive is created. If, after creating an
archive, further operations involving the
archive result in error messages (for
example, This archive does not exist.),
cycle VolServ by issuing the volserv -t
command then the volserv command.
After cycling the software, continue
operating as usual.
Unnecessary Core
What should be done if a
core file exists in the
$VS_DIR/bin directory
A core file usually exists when a VolServ
software process terminates for an
unknown reason. This termination
indicates that a problem exists in VolServ.
Report the problem to ATAC. To assist
ATAC in solving the problem, perform the
following procedure:
Step 1: Save the core file.
Step 2: Record the time of process
Step 31: Save all of the logs for the time
period in which the problem occurred.
Step 4: If possible, record the steps
followed to produce the core.
Step 5: Identify which VolServ software
process terminated by reviewing the logs.
Step 6: If the information is unavailable in
the logs, issue the following command in
the directory containing the core:
adb -
Save any information shown.
Step 7: Run
$q to exit out of the adb.
Problem Solution