Adiministrative Tasks
2-8 Start-up and Shutdown 601354 Rev A
Step 2. A Question box appears that contains the question
“OK to exit vswin?”..
Step 3. Click the OK button in the Question box. The
Question box and the Volume Server System
console windows close.
Two ways exist to bring down VolServ: gracefully and
A graceful shutdown terminates VolServ after all command
processing ceases. Executing commands that are in a state that
allows them to be cancelled are aborted. Executing commands
that cannot be cancelled are allowed to process to completion.
Client requests received after termination processing begins and
all pending requests are failed.
An immediate shutdown results in the immediate termination of
VolServ, without waiting for any command processing to
complete and without cancelling any commands. Any
commands executing at the time of termination must be cleaned
up when VolServ software is restarted. VolServ software
automatically performs recovery processing during the start-up
processing as discussed in “Recovery Processing” on Page 2-6.
Do not attempt to bring down VolServ while an archive is being
configured or reconfigured.