Abbreviations 150-409-115-05, Issue 5
24 January 26, 2000 EDU-409 List 1
AIS Alarm Indicator Signal
CAP Capacitor
CDU EDU to Customer loopback
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
DDS Digital Data Service
EDU HiGain E1 Doubler Unit
ELU HiGain E1 Line Unit
ERU HiGain E1 Remote Unit
FIL Filter
GFD Ground Fault Detection
HCDS High Capacity Digital Service
HDSL High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
HRE HiGain Remote Enclosure
KBPS Kilo (thousand) Bits Per Second, sometimes written Kb/s
MBPS Mega (million) Bits Per Second, sometimes written Mb/s
NDU EDU to Network Loopback
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service
PRES Pressure
RMA Return Material Authorization
SPLB Special Loopback