Functional Description 150-409-115-05, Issue 5
12 January 26, 2000 EDU-409 List 1
The EDU-409 List 1 can be housed in a variety of outdoor enclosures
manufactured by ADC and other vendors. The number of doublers used in
any of the enclosures depends on the maximum outside ambient temperature.
The doubler capacities for several of these standard enclosures is listed in
Table 5 on page 13 and Table 6 on page 14. The capacities listed in Table 6
(for both indoor and outdoor enclosures) are based on a maximum outside
temperature of +46.1 °C (+115 °F). Consult ADC for the latest deployment
rules when using the enclosures at ambient temperatures above +46.1 °C.
These requirements comply with Bellcore standards, which
require HDSL equipment place in outdoor cabinets to operate
in a temperature, outside the housing, of -40 °F (-40 °C) with
no solar load and +115 °F (+46.1 °C) with a maximum solar
load and maximum power dissipation.
Full solar load is equal to maximum sunlight exposure as
defined in Bellcore’s Technical Advisory TR-TSY-000057.