150-409-115-05, Issue 5 Functional Description
EDU-409 List 1 January 26, 2000 11
HiGain uses the ADC Two-Binary, One-Quaternary (2B1Q) HDSL
transceiver system to establish two full-duplex 1040 kbps data channels
between the ELU and the ERU units. Each EDU-409 List 1 increases the
maximum range by approximately 3.66 km (12,000 feet) of 0.51-mm wire or
2.74 km (9,000 feet) of 0.4-mm wire per doubler.
A block diagram of the EDU-409 List 1 with pinouts is shown in Figure 4.
The doubler unit power supply uses the HDSL simplified line voltage to
produce +5 Vdc and +3 Vdc required by the EDU-409 List 1 electronics. The
power feed is passed on to the HDSL output pair, to power a second doubler
or a remote unit.
The maximum power dissipation of the doubler unit is 3 W.
Figure 4. Doubler Block Diagram