
Configure the network settings
ATP-CNX-040-01 Rel. 1.3, Doc. Rev. 01.07 1-13
Aastra CNX Installation and Setup Procedures
6 Enter “y” if the network information is correct, and press <Enter>.
Enter “n” if the network information is incorrect, and press <Enter>.
Note: If you entered “n” at the verification prompt, repeat steps 3 through 7 to correct the network
information, and then enter “y” at step 8.
The following message and prompt display (after entering “y” at the verification prompt):
Configuring Domain Name Service (DNS)...
Domain Name:
7 Enter the Default Gateway for the Ethernet port for which you want to use as a management
interface, and press <Enter>. For example:
Default Gateway:
The following displays:
Before the following information is configured, please verify the
information below is correct before proceeding.
Hostname: cnx1
IP Address:
Broadcast Address:
Default Gateway:
Is this correct (y/n):
8 Enter “y” if the network information is correct, and press <Enter>.
Enter “n” if the network information is incorrect, and press <Enter>.
Note: If you entered “n” at the verification prompt, repeat steps 3 through 7 to correct the network
information, and then enter “y” at step 8.
The following message and prompt display (after entering “y” at the verification prompt):
Configuring Domain Name Service (DNS)...
Domain Name:
Step Action