28 © 3M 2011. All rights reserved.
Designating a default export format (optional)
If default export formats are set, Data Manager assigns
the default export format to any new list file that you
move into either list folder.
List files that are moved into the Shelf Order Lists
folder are assigned the Order Default export format.
List files that are moved into the Search Lists folder
are assigned the Search Default export format.
To designate a default export format
1 From the Admin Setup menu, click Export
The Export Formats dialog box appears.
2 From the Available Formats list,
select a format.
3 Click Set as Order Default and/or
Set as Search Default.
Any new list files placed into either folder will
be automatically assigned the default format
for that folder.
The same format can be set as the Order
Default and the Search Default.
Figure 30: Select an export format and
click Set Default.
Figure 31: Once you set a default export
format, you can clear it and set a different